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What discounts are available for auto insurance?

By June 26, 2023Insurance

Auto insurance policies can often be an overwhelming topic for many drivers. However, saving money on your auto insurance can be straightforward if you know the discounts available to you. In this post, we’ll explore some common discounts available for auto insurance policies and ways to find car insurance savings.

Auto Insurance Discounts

Almost all insurance providers offer various discounts to policyholders. Let’s discuss some of the most common auto insurance discounts available.

  1. Safe driving discounts: Insurance providers offer safe driving discounts to drivers who have not been in an accident or received a ticket in the past few years. Safe driving discounts may vary among states and insurance providers.
  2. Multi-car discounts: You may be eligible for a multi-car discount if your household has multiple cars. Often, insurance providers offer discounts ranging from 10% to 25% off the base policy premium.
  3. Bundled insurance discounts: If you have other policies, such as home insurance or rental insurance, with the same provider, you may be eligible for bundling discounts, which can save you anywhere from 10% to 25% off the base rate.
  4. Good student discount: If you are a student with good grades (3.0 GPA or better), you may be eligible for good student discounts. Insurance providers view good grades as a sign of responsibility and may offer up to 15% off your policy premium.
  5. Military discounts: If you are an active military member or a veteran, some insurance providers offer military discounts that can save you up to 15% off your policy. This discount is meant to honor your service and sacrifice.
  6. Low-mileage discount: If you don’t use your car much, you may be eligible for a low-mileage discount. This discount usually applies to drivers who drive less than 7,500 miles annually. Insurance providers may offer discounts ranging from 10% to 25% off your policy.

Car Insurance Savings

Now that you know some of the discounts available for auto insurance policies, let’s discuss some tips to find car insurance savings in Kalispell, Montana.

  1. Bundle policies: Bundling multiple policies with the same provider can save you some money. If you bundle your home and auto insurance, you may save up to 25% off your policy.
  2. Maintain good credit: Insurance providers look at some aspects of your credit history when calculating your policy premium. This is called an “Insurance Score.” Maintaining good credit can help you save money on your policy.
  3. Increase deductible: Increasing your deductible can save you money on your policy. Consider raising your deductible if you feel comfortable paying a higher out-of-pocket expense if required.

Take A Look

Saving money on auto insurance is possible by taking advantage of various discounts, comparing rates, and bundling policies. These tips can help you save on your car insurance policy.

#AutoInsuranceDiscounts #CarInsuranceSavings #KalispellMontana #ParadoxInsures